Friday, March 25, 2011

The Dialogue

Since I have promised myself to maintain at least one post per month, this is a at-the-late-night-when-i-feel-so-uneasy post !

Ni dah tiba mood perasan nak buat post ala-ala Paulo Coelho yang kadang-kadang reka dia punya short story sendiri dalam blog dia. Walaupun cerita dia kebanyakannya pendek-pendek dan simple, tapi mesej dia tepat dan kena pada tujuannya.

Tapi cerita pendek saya ni pendek je. Reka sendiri, tiba-tiba muncul idea. Lepas tengok gambar Pak Cik Coelho yang kat atas tu kot.

The Dialogue

On the first day of the first year student of the Dental Faculty, the Dean delivered a welcoming speech to them. He ended his speech by asking everyone to mention their reasons, why they chose to take the course ;

Dean : Started from this row, can you please tell me the reason why you take this course ?

Student A : Because by being a dentist, ill become a specialist, then i can make lots of money. i love business.

Student B : i've heard that in the countries like Canada, one dentist can earn until five figures....

Student C : Because dentistry is a wide scope for profession. it is more superficial, i can open my own clinic, good job prospect, i will become a dentist, we got not so many dentist in malaysia, bla bla bla bla bla....

Student D : Because I want to learn dentistry, Sir....

Dean : Don't you want to be a dentist? Everyone take dentistry because they want to be a dentist. How about you? What you want to be?

Student D : If learning dentistry will make me a dentist, then a dentist I will be.....

Baiklah, dekan dalam cerita diatas, bukan dekan fakulti saya. Pelajar-pelajar tersebut juga tidak wujud, tapi mungkin wujud. Kenapa guna contoh dentistry? Yelah dah aku amek dentistry, takkan nak buat contoh course muzik pulak kan ?

Kisah ini hanya rekaan semata-mata. Sama ada untuk berfikir sejenak dan terus memikirkannya, atau berfikir sejenak dan terus melupakannya, itu diluar bidang kuasa orang lain untuk menghakimi, tetapi dalam kuasa diri sendiri untuk membuat keputusan dan penilaian.

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